AeroPress vs. French Press

Which brewing method is better?

If you're looking for a new brewing method, you'll want to check out AeroPress vs French Press!  Here's all you need to know about them!


What is AeroPress Coffee?

The Aeropress is a small plastic tube. It pairs with a plastic cap, a plunger with a rubber end, and a thin paper filter. During brewing, fine ground coffee beans are placed in the cylinder and covered with near-boiling water. 

What is French Press Coffee? 

Put coffee grounds and hot water in the bottom of the press pot, let it sit and then press the top of the device (a stainless steel filter) down to separate the grounds from the water.

AeroPress  & French Press 


Floral Separator

It takes 1-3 minutes to brew with an Aeropress and 3-5 minutes to brew with a French Press. Of course, you can modify the extraction time for either method.

Differences  (Brew Time)

The French Press coffee has a bold and robust taste that is powerful and, at the same time, balanced. Aeropress is known to be a bright, acidic taste that highlights the coffee’s fruity or citrusy qualities.

Differences  (Flavor)

A typical French press is thick and sometimes even gritty because of how oil and sediment pass through and around the mesh filter.  Aeropress generally has a much lighter mouthfeel and thinner brew texture.

Differences (Body)

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