AeroPress Coffee Maker:  What is it? 

Green Curved Line

Learn more about the history of the AeroPress coffee maker! 

What is exactly is an AeroPress?  

Let’s start with the basics. A mocha is basically a latte with chocolate in it. If you’re a latte fan and have a sweet tooth, then a mocha is for you!

How does an AeroPress work?

The AeroPress coffee maker, similar to a French Press, utilizes immersion to brew.  Unlike a French press, the immersion process is much quicker, yielding a brighter and cleaner cup of coffe

Pros & Cons

Floral Separator

– It’s easy to learn how to use. – It’s portable. – It makes a good cup of coffee quickly. – There are different types of recipes to try out. – Clean up is a breeze.

– Small learning curve to perfect your brew strength. – Unable to make multiple cups of coffee (unlike the french press which has larger types of makers). – Other machines (like a Keurig or Nespresso) is quicker to brew.


Learn how to use one and the difference between an AeroPress vs AeroPress Go!

Click below!

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