Cortado  vs  Latte

what's the difference?

Wondering the difference between a cortado vs latte?  Discover the differences, ingredients, and which has more caffeine! Keep reading to learn more!

Both drinks are created by mixing steamed milk with espresso...

The main differences between a cortado vs latte, are serving size, the milk-to-coffee ratio, and temperature.


A cortado is excellent if you like coffee flavor. It adds sweetness and balances some of the bitterness.

A latte is for you if you like milk, sweetness, and caffeine A LOT more than coffee itself.

A cortado is meant to be consumed quickly - so they're served at 130F. 


Lattes are usually served at closer to 140 F.


A cafe latte can be prepared with either 1 or 2 ounces of espresso, so in many cases, a latte only has half the caffeine content of a cortado.

A cortado is always poured using 2 ounces of espresso,

Creative art like this is something you'll only find in lattes - not cortados! 


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