What is a Latte?

Floral Separator

Lattes are a super common drink that most of us have heard of.  But what exactly is a latte?  Let me explain.


Where did the latte come from?

Although people have been drinking a combination of milk and coffee since the 1600s, the first drink we might think as the founding ancestor to the latte comes from Vienna and Trieste in the late 1700s called Kapuziner.  They say it comprised of coffee with cream, spices and sugar. 

What is a latte?

At its heart, a latte is a single or double shot of espresso and steamed milk (typically 1/3 espresso and 2/3 steamed milk). It also has a layer of foam on top where you’ll often find latte art.

Can you make art on a latte?

Latte art is created by pouring the steamed milk into the coffee to create design. Believe it or not there is a World Latte Art Championship competition. You would be amazed at what can be created with coffee and milk.

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