What is espresso?

Espresso (usually pronounced “eh-spreh-sow”) is the cornerstone of modern coffee. Once you understand what it is and why people love it, everything else will start making A LOT more sense. Let's learn!

What is Espresso?

In about 30 seconds, nearly boiling water is forced through a compressed puck of finely ground coffee at high pressure. The result is a 1-ounce drink called a “shot.”


Espresso carries the same flavor qualities as “regular” coffee, only in a much more concentrated package. None of the bitter, sweet, acidic, or toasty notes are diluted with extra water. So you can actually taste them!


One of the first sensory characteristics you’re likely to notice is that espresso is thicker and creamier than other coffee. Especially the layer of “crema” that tops the cup.


A finished espresso shot will appear creamy and honey-brown, with a thicker layer of crema on top.


As a general guideline, you can expect an 8 oz cup of coffee will contain 96 mg of caffeine. And a 1 oz shot of espresso contains 64 mg.

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