Why Does My AeroPress Coffee Taste Bad?

Along with beans and water quality, one of the biggest culprits of foul-tasting coffee might surprise you: THE GRIND SIZE!  Here's how to troubleshoot your grind for a great cup of AeroPress coffee. 

When using an AeroPress, there is such a thing as a "just right" grind — not too fine and not too course. 

If your coffee grounds are too fine the immersion process will over-extract the grounds, resulting in unpleasant bitterness.

Too Fine = Bitter

If the grind is too coarse, the grounds are not exposed enough to the water, and your final cup loses out on all its potential flavor. Under-extracted coffee tastes sour and unpleasantly acidic.

Too Coarse = Sour

The ideal AeroPress grind setting is a medium-fine grind, resembling the texture of table salt. This is best achieved with a burr grinder.

Ideal Grind 

To learn more about making the most of your AeroPress, head  to the blog!