Frequently Asked Questions

Baratza Encore Coffee Grinder

The Encore is Baratza's go-to entry level coffee grinder. It can be used for drip, pour over, espresso, French press, and more. Read on for the full scoop!

That depends on what you're making! An espresso will require a finer grind than a Chemex. 

What is the best setting for Baratza Encore?

A traditional espresso grind size lies in the 4-10 range, and the pressurized portafilter requires a coarser 8-12.

What is the best grind setting for an espresso?

Settings 12 to 24 are considered medium. This range is best for Aeropress, pour over, and drip coffee. 

What is the medium setting on Baratza Encore?

No, the Encore can’t get super fine particles needed for a Turkish coffee. You can try it on the finest setting but it may not be enough.

Can the Encore do  Turkish coffee?

You can find it on Amazon or retailers like Crate & Barrel. 

Where can I buy the Baratza Encore?

To learn more about the Baratza Encore and the "perfect" grind size, head to the blog!