What is Blonde Espresso? 

What exactly is blonde espresso? And is it any better than their classic dark roast espresso?  Check out this coffee guide to learn more!


What is exactly is Blonde Espresso? 

Starbucks came out with blonde espresso in 2018, after years of research and testing for a drink that was more subtle and sweet than their classic espresso.

...and A LOT went into making it

At one point, their small product development team sampled 650 cups of coffee daily to fine-tune the flavor! 

Flavor  & Caffeine 

Floral Separator

Blonde is smooth, citrusy, and subtly sweet.  It also has distinct nutty caramel quality.

Flavor Notes: 

There isn’t a huge difference in caffeine between Starbucks’ blonde and standard espresso.  If you order a doppio (double shot), both should yield about 150 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine Content: 

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